::we all lie::
~~we all lie. i know i did.
~~i know a lot of people say that they lie because the truth hurts too much. i say that's bullshit!! Riding the bike and falling down hurts. Getting ur thumb slammed by the car door hurts...but not the truth. the truth ONLY hurts when it's not what you want it to be.
~~we lie because we cant face the truth. we lie because we think others cant face the truth... why not let the others decide, whether they can face the truth or not?
~~the best example. Me. i lied. i said i was going to post something here a few months ago. but i didnt. in fact, knew i wouldnt. i knew i'd be too lazy to do so because sometimes my words just dont justify what i feel. i just couldnt face the fact that i love to write, yet im too lazy to do it..(well at least, im aware of it!hehe) i hope my lil white lie did no one any harm...
~~i believe that however ugly the truth gets, nothing is uglier than a lie. believe me, i know. i have screwed up big time in the past, lying about certain things and sneaking behind the backs of the people i love, grabbing their trust and crushing it like a can of Coke... people were left frustrated and i saw their frustration.worse of all, i felt their frustration...
~~i know i will never have their trust like i did before, but at least i hope, in the tiniest particle of air, that they might find it in their hearts to forgive me. we humans, never forget the things that hurt us the most, but we just learn to overlook it.i hope.
~~many people lie, but that does not make it right, does it? im confused. if everyone's lying, and actually living in that lie, am i still supposed to tell the truth, and live in MY truth?
~~what hurts the most, is when you're being lied to. even more, when you know you're being lied to. AND you know the actual truth! it feels as if you know a secret, which you're not supposed to know, but you know it anyway, but you cant tell anyone that you know, cause you're not supposed to know..haissy..im confusing myself already..but you get what i mean, dont you?
~~anyway, i think i've thought enough and talked too much for too long...nothing spoils an enigma like an overload of information.hehe:)
~~yes i AM an enigma!
welcome back darling!!
yes..we all lie...we lie to get through the day..we lie to guard our pride..we just simply lie...there can never be anything that will justify a lie..it's still gonna be a lie...but know what...the best truth that i ever knew are u gurls...me love u people.
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