Monday, June 11

::Never wear a skirt to a movie-marathon!::

~~Getting our tickets 30minutes before our 1st movie, The Namesake, was our first mistake of the day.

~~Few days before before the weekend, some friends and i planned a movie marathon, non-stop action as we thought. We wanted to go and catch the latest Mira Nair movie, The Namesake, Ocean's Thirteen, and Shrek3. But since, i just saw Shrek3 a few days earlier, we decided to skip it altogether, and just stick to the 'heavy' movies.haha.

~~And so, when we got to OU, we had to wait for quite some time, cos we were waiting for another friend. Why did we have to wait, you ask? well well well..

~~This particular friend, whom i shall refer to as Exhibit A, is afraid. She fears walking to the mall alone, entering the mall alone, walking through the mall alone, and uhmm..what else can you do alone?? (you get the point.) And so my other friend and i waited in the car, at the bus area, right before the main entrance of OU, for Exhibit A to arrive. When she did, we then proceeded to the carpark area, and again she wanted to cari parking 'sama-sama' haha. you know, just in case the carpark-bogeyman grabs her from underneath the BMW 318i next door...

~~We finally got our tickets for a 2.15 The Namesake and 5.00 Ocean's 13. ahh what perfect timing! a small window of break to probably eat, go pee, and what-nots in between both movies..and since we only had 20minutes till the 1st movie:/ (we wanted to catch up on some gossip) we planned to go window shopping after both movies.

~~The Namesake (or Na-ma-sa-kay, as Exhibit A mentioned as she initially thought it was a japanese movie, when she read the marathon-invitation through sms.) is a movie about adapting to something new without losing hold of something old. It tells a tale of an Indian man who married a typical Indian woman and then immediately after the wedding ceremony, they left for the land of oppotunities ('of whether to die from drug/sex/booze or unnecessary and uncalled for wars'), the USA. they raised a family there, a son (Nikhail Gogol) and a daughter (Sonia). The movie features the unfolding of the lives of the 2children, their excuse of a relationship with their parents, their parents growing old in a land not theirs, and how drastic a measure is needed, in order to make people realise never to take for granted the ones you love. A harrowing, realistic life story of how a boy became a man, at the expense of something dear to him. It certainly made my friends and i realise that we all are living on borrowed time..

~~lemme just tell you that in the 1st 10minutes, my friend Exhibit A deduced that "hey, Adora, ni bukan citer Jepun eh?ni citer hindustan eh?" Upon this question, my other friend and i just started laughing, and any attempts to explain that the movie will be in english was to no avail. So we decided to just let her watch the movie and judge.

~~At the end of the movie, it didnt matter whether the movie was in Japanese, Hindi or English. the movie spoke in one unanimous language; language of love. (yep, love is the theme of the world haha)



At 5:57 PM , Blogger afiq said...

never wear a skirt to a mavie marathon! you don't say...


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