Thursday, March 9

::state of confusion::part 1::

~~the moments are never clear, i never know when it happens, but when it does, i realise. i feel.

~~emotions are running wild like ducks feet, paddling underneath water, but on the surface i'm as calm as the river of rush running through my veins! when the moment happens, nothing misses my eyes, nothing misses my ears, nothing misses my heart.

~~emotions are a powerful tool, if used to my advantage, it wins me in the race of love. if used to my disadvantage, it loses me my dignity. yet i still bet on my emotions, gamble on my feelings, play with my heart. life and love is actually a game for the daring, a game for the brave. when i make a move with my emotions, i'm risking the crumble of my life. when i make a move with my emotions, i'm also hoping for love. is that wrong?

~~why do i always fall for the wrong guy? guys i'm not supposed to fall for, guys who are just not 'me', guys who my friends dont think is right for me, guys who are out of reach, out of bounds, out of limits? but then who can define right and wrong? more confusion.

~~it hurts when you hear but you cant listen. it hurts when you look but you cant see. it hurts when you want what you cant. it hurts when you need what you dont.

~~to be continued.